Friday, September 24, 2010


Are you always using your internet? Did you know that you can earn lots of cash through it?  If your having fun doing it why not earn from it. There are lots of ways on how to earn cash online you just have to look for it and be carefull not to fall into scam sites. I can't promise you'll get rich instantly after joining any paying sites that i know why? Earning online involves hardwork and perseverance. The willingness to learn and to earn must come together. Yes, most of online opportunities are FREE! but it requires your time to fully benifit from it."Start low earn high" and " Do not invest what you can't afford to lose" are some qoutes from the people who already succeed in online money making. It's very easy to do and requires a minimun amount of your time and most of all its FREE!  to join and NO! investment needed (you don't need to pay a single cent) But first let me tell you what are the Basics requirements to earn that extra dollars online.

  • A VALID AND WORKING EMAIL ADDRESS. (if you don't have any pls. create one from yahoo, gmail,live, etc. it's free of charge)
A PERSONAL ACCOUNT from PAYPAL and STARTER ACCOUNT from ALERTPAY. ( paypal and alertpay are your 2 payment processors or cyberbanks that will recieved your online income. This 2 are the most common and easily verified through Philippines affiliated banks, meaning you can easily get your income using a accreditted bank in the Philippines. Most online opportunity requires you to have this 2 cyberbanks why? because this is where you'll be paid by the paying sites that you had join. Don't worry they are safe and free of charged. Yes, you read it right getting an account in paypal and alertpay are yours for FREE! Please click the links below to create you account.)  
Note: In creating a paypal account select Personal Account. Use your active email address as your username and fill in the blanks with appropriate data and follow instructions.  Upon finishing signing-up at paypal, they will ask you to enter a credit/debit card number. Please skip this instruction and click "my account" and view it. Then your done you already have a paypal account.

Note: In creating an account in alertpay select Starter Account. Again, use your active email address as you username. Pick Philippines as your country.You will recieved an activation email from alertpay in your email address(the one that you use as your username) open it and click the link there and log in again to activate your account. Done you already got your alertpay account.

Last requirements in online money making would be you most prescious and valuable TIME. Put a price in your time and you'll be surprise what it can give you while your online. If you're a facebook, friendster,chatrooms, youtube, poker, dota, ym, mig33, nimbuzz, skype, etc.addicts, maybe you will consider earning online.why? because you can do both at the same time. You can enjoy and level-up your income here. Isn't that great? If you're a Mo'm, who always stays at home and looking for extra income online try this you'll not regret it. If you a student who wants extra money to buy something thats not coming fro your parents join us and you'll find it intresting. If your an Ofw who always fight boredom and homesickness i suggest join us you will not be bored anymore. Believed me its worth it because i'm an ofw like you. If you're jobless and you find it difficult to look for a job try online earning, there a plenty of vacancy for you 24/7 with low qualifications needed.

Online money making is design to help advertisers and consumer to earn extra income online.  The truth is, this is not a one time millionare process. Like any other ordinary job you have to spend time on it to get the amount you needed. The only difference is your not using a time card and you don't have a  boss to tell you what exactly to do. In this kind of job you are the Boss and your earnings will depend on how much effort you exerts. Stay tuned everyone... my next post will reveal some online programs that will surely changed your online experience....

Happy Earnings everyone!!!!!

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